A photoblog of my life, with notes.

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Bo Shi Dun

My camera seems to be on the fritz (No offense, Claudia). My pictures are coming out slightly grainier than usual, and yes, I have checked the ISO. Although I blame my camera, the real culprit may be the constantly cloudy days here. Besides the grain, It's also shifting all of my images down, i.e., if I place the top of somebody's head right along the top of the frame in the viewfinder, the top of their head will be a full fifth of the way down the picture, which makes exact framing much more difficult. I'm having to zoom out and then crop in, which is dandy, except that I really like having a lot of resolution to work with.

That being said, here are some pictures
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A selection from a larger image of a tower that is part of a house in Boston, where I was over Thanksgiving break.

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I'm pretty sure this is actually the same house...

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Slightly warmtone picture of a tree in Boston. Boston is the one city I think I might be able to live in if I really really had to.

I am not a city person.

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Sidewalk in Boston, next to a community center. The lighting is really flat, I know.

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There's some of the color of the old images! Sunset on a wall, still in Boston. I probably should have just prefaced these pictures with the words "These are all in Boston," instead of introducing them as being in Boston individually. Anyway,
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Some flowers, in Boston.

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Sunset over a lake in Boston.

Boston Thumbnail.jpg

Larger version (3MB) here!. That's not the full resolution of the image, but that one was something like 20MB, but that's just a little too big. It's a panorama of a building that I took from across a lake.

Although you might be expecting it, this next picture is not actually from Boston.

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Greta helped me take my senior portrait the other day (no, this isn't it), and we had some spare time, so we took a couple of pictures together. This is one of my favorites of the batch. I'll upload my senior portrait when I've figured out which picture it is.

Thanks for reading,


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Copyright Erty Seidel, 2008
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